The All Or Nothing Trap

The All Or Nothing Trap

During certain seasons of life, it can be tough to maintain your fitness level. I want to encourage you to not get caught in the All Or Nothing Trap. This is the trap where you think you have to be perfect and DO ALL THE THINGS. Then if you mess up once, you quit...
Fat Shaming

Fat Shaming

Be aware of what is going on in the world regarding body image. You will see marketing and advertising that tries to make you feel bad about your body. A few years ago there was even an article in a major publication that was “BACKED BY SCIENCE” that was basically a...

A Simple Back Pain Fix

It all started with a bad pair of shoes. I bought a pair of shoes that I thought was a great deal. Not naming any names but it almost rhymes with sheetrock.I didn't notice anything at first, but then my hips started feeling really tight. Then my back felt really stiff...
The Daily Quarantine Checklist

The Daily Quarantine Checklist

It can be pretty easy to slowly slip into unhealthy habits. Oftentimes it happens without us really knowing what's going on.But you start noticing you just don't feel right. Mentally, physically, and emotionally you feel off.That is why it is so important to check in...
Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

Where to put your focus instead of Covid-19

We've been having family movie nights lately at our house. Last night we watched Midway. It is the story of the Battle of Midway and focuses a lot on the bomber pilots. It is one intense movie and we all thought it was really good if you happen to have some time stuck...
How much exercise is enough?

How much exercise is enough?

I wanted to share a few insights that I found interesting from the latest report from the Department of Health and Human Services. The report, Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report, is an update from the 2008 recommendations they made.  A...