You don't need the Thighmaster any more! Try these 4 instead

You don't need the Thighmaster any more! Try these 4 instead

  Do you remember the Thighmaster? Man that thing was genius! Great way to work those stubborn inner thigh muscles. It was genius until you use it wrong and your Thighmaster goes flying across the room on the first squeeze. Allegedly. That would never happen to a...
Four Exercises To Strengthen and Tone Your Inner Thighs

Four Exercises To Strengthen and Tone Your Inner Thighs

Have you ever ridden a horse? A few days ago I went on a horseback ride with my family and I realized two things. 1. A whole new respect for cowboys 2. My inner thighs are not as strong as they used to be. It was a lot of fun, but I was hurting for a few days...