Be A Bucket Filler

Be A Bucket Filler

Look through how the past few days went this week. How many interactions would you guess you had? Scientist Daniel Kahneman, who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, says we have up to 20,000 interactions every day! Even if they last for a few seconds, they...
Challenge #6- Your four letter word

Challenge #6- Your four letter word

This week your challenge involves most people's most offensive four letter word. Work.   Studies have shown that only 19% of people are satisfied with your jobs. So chances are that you fit into the group that is not happy with their job.   Think about where you spend...
Challenge #5- Don't be a victim

Challenge #5- Don't be a victim

Your challenge this week is to do one thing to eliminate one major source of stress in your life.   What's the thing in your life that causes you the most negative thoughts in your life? When you read stress, what immediately popped into your head? That's what you...
Make the world a better place

Make the world a better place

One of the best ways to rid yourself of negativity is to create something positive yourself. Here is your challenge this week.   Do something for someone who has no hope of paying you back.   If you have ever done something like this before, you know you get back so...
Negativity Detox, Challenge #1

Negativity Detox, Challenge #1

  Let's face it. We are living in a Golden Age of haters.TV, radio, movies are all chock full of conflict and negativity. And then there is the capital city of Haterdelphia, the Internet. Which is basically a breeding ground for a super species of negative people who...