

That's me my senior year in high school. Hovering around 250 pounds was awesome for knocking people over on a football field, but not so good in every day life. I did not feel good about myself and I was not happy with the way that I looked. When I looked in the...
Don't wait, the time is now

Don't wait, the time is now

  Are you at a point in your life when it seems like you will never get back in shape? You weigh too much, you’re too old, you’re too injured, you’re too whatever.   You may have adopted the attitude of, “Why even try?”   I mean you are so far gone, what’s the use?  ...
The Truth About Scales

The Truth About Scales

It's one thing if I keep telling you how much the scales don't matter, it's another if a decorated veteran of the weight wars tells you that. So today's post is brought to you by a friend of mine and registered dietician named Tammy Beasley. She is a highly qualified...